What is real education?

Is education is pretending to mug up for 20 precious years of your life for the salary range 60,000-1,00,000?(may be even less than that).The more degree you consists the more salary you must acquire.
My opinion to this is'No,this is not actual education.'Education is something which make one a good human.It helps to learn cultivate & develop healthy values.Helps to set morality in one's life.It transform human beings into being humans by cultivating humanity,self-dependence,compassion,goodness&love in them.
Real Education develops life skills & prepares you for living.Teaches you the tactics of survival & how to be competent enough to cross the obstacles hardships & hurdles of life.It helps to build a successful & fruitful citizen in all dimension.
Real education is leaning to respect others & how to earn respect of yourself.It is the manifestation of the perfection which is already present in every human.It is holistic in nature,which not only develops & takes care of one's body,but even mind heart & soul.Education leads to Total Health,Happiness,Peace & contentment in life & often leads to spiritual advancement of soul.Education is the vital thing,which drifts one off from the barbarity & polishes the senses.It teaches a balanced aligned harmonious inclusive secular approach towards life & develops the power of reasoning&judgement.
If correct education is provided to every individual of the nation,the country would develop & prosper with negligible crime rate.Only wisdom takes one ahead in life & correct education generates or enhance it. Education teaches the lesson of wellness welfare & well-being.It promotes invention innovation & intuition.& directs one to the path of eminence expertise & excellence.
According to me,educating one correctly to make him/her a good human is better than forcing & pressuring him/her to mug up certain subjects & end up doing something absolutely different in practical filed,from what he/she studied & wasted precious years of their life.Nowadays,anxiety&intolerance is at peak in the society,which could be treated if true education was present their in the nation to every individual.
-Fauzia Afreen


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