What is more important, love or respect?

The controversial question containing extreme sorts of conflicts. Some thinks likeness is important & some thinks that respect is supreme as ultimately it only leads to likeness/love.While there are few who believes that like & respect both are equally important & the thing which is most necessary is to love & respect your own self because according to them loving or respecting self is much more important than to be loved/ liked or respected.To get other's respect or like, first one should be self complete, perfect to be loved or respected by own self.
Keeping aside the different forms, according to me the best I'll ever choose is respect. As according to my perception, like/love without respect is futile. Getting like is very normal & common but earning respect is extraordinary & very precious which comes from extreme hard works, actually not every one's cup of tea.
To prove my point or perception, an example pops up in my mind.Every one has some or the other teacher in his/her full academic career who is very strict rude & robust,& so do I also suffered from 2 teachers in my not-yet-completed education career & really would like to share their names with my readers. The first one was #Anissur_Rahman sir, the physics teacher of my class 9 & 10. & #Basupurna_Mukherjee ma'am,the professor who still teaches me history paper2).Whole tenure of being studied by them we don't like them,don't want to attend their classes & even prays to God that they are absent today so that we would breathe the air of relief.We don't even respect them & name them with  some awkward titles but after the tenure ends,we surely realise at some point that they were the teachers who actually bothered the most, did their duties extraordinarily well,they were more passionate than any other teacher whom we thought was very good as they just gave attendance & never taught us & they are the ones from whom we learnt so many things which was even more than the total of all those teachers who taught us.Thus,inspite of liking them or have some feelings of loving them now end up respecting them the most & I believe that feeling is incomparably important than any other feelings.
-Fauzia Afreen


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