My complexities

I consists many complexities,
Differs from time to time
Am I too fat?
Or have I gained some more weight than before?
Am I looking chubby in this dress?
Or see,this part has became fatter than before?
I've eaten more,so its the result of that.
Is the most often question,
That arrives at least 5 day in a week.
Adding more to the topic,
The second biggest complexity about physic is,
Am I really beautiful?
What is actual beauty's definition?
I don't want to be cute,but beautiful.
Everyone else's face is just perfectly beautiful,
Better than me,
What will happen to me.
Thirdly,why only me is short&fat?
Everyone looks fabulous in every dress,
But only one who doesn't ever looks good is me.
Is the world is not for shorts?
Every dress wore by tall girl looks so perfect.
Sometimes dress on other short girls also looks beautiful,
But not on why just me?
On physic,may be I was deprived,
Either naturally or by my own-self.
But in hairs,is it still my fault?
Why I'm having such curly rough hair?
Others have shiny soft smooth healthy & long hair,
But when it comes to me,why only me God??
Moreover,it looks slightly well when in home.
But it gets the news of stepping out,
It suddenly gets out of hand,getting worst.
Unable to select best for self,
Is another complexity I persist.
Don't know why whenever I select anything,
Its never worth of the cost,or directly bad in quality.
I usually does worst selection.
It can be clothes or even ornaments at time.
Yes I remember,even sandles & watches.
The complexity of my moody-ness,
Sometimes too friendly to adopt anything,
But other time feeling like doing murder of that person,
Who irritates me,or just came to talk to me.
I have complexity of being too extrovert,
&telling whatever comes in mouth,without Whenever I select anything,
Though,I have many more complexities,
Some physical,some career wise.
Sometimes ending up feeling,
Will I able to chase my goal&attain whatever I want to?
Am I really moving forward on a right track?
Or even Am I moving forward?
What path will take closer to my ambition?
&when will be the day,I'll able to kiss victory?
This way my complexities continue..
-Fauzia Afreen


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