"Jahan dil lejaye, jaaa" #filtercopy_talkies

Though,'jahan dil lejaye,jaa!'is not only the first video I watched,promoting the thoughts of listening to your heart&do what it whispers.Its not the only video which entertains the vagabond nature of young-generation youth&delivers a message of'never care of anything& anyone'.But after watching such kind of videos,don't you feel a little uncomfortable,that if everytime we listens to our heart&do what it says to,then aren't we be in a grave trouble?Whether you analyze that or not,the question surely comes in my mind.
Speaking briefly,the video has 2 characters who have planned to go to Ladakh&for that he quit his job too,but as they left home for the place,suddenly his friend told to stop there&not to go there.Firstly,he got surprised&believed his friend is joking but after getting that he was very serious he became anxious&told then where does he will go,is he telling to take U-turn.The first guy opened up the reason why he did not want to go there,&told that he just wanted to upload pictures,writing himself as traveler&explorer in #tinder.Lastly they stayed up in the border of Gujarat only&in the night while watching the clear fascinating sky full of twinkling stars,had beer&made fun of his dad's uselessly struggling life(who is no more),&in the end,the conclusion was'go with the flow&listen what your heart says,go where your heart takes you'.
I agree,listening to what your heart says is good but not everytime in life.I personally believe,that heart thinks childishly.It always avoids struggle.Does your heart ever says to sit for exams which is taken in school&colleges?At least my heart never says in favour of study,it always wants just happiness&money to buy more happiness without any hardships,but is it really possible?
Being a wanderer,who doesn't want it? Who doesn't want to fly with the blowing winds&float all around the world,but if we do what heart says,it may makes us happy for some moments or even days but not for-ever.We often say,"my life,my rules&you can't interfere"to our parents or elders but do analyze yourself,is it really correct.Heart can be correct at-times, yet brain is vital for living.Escapism in the name of'wish of heart'.
-Fauzia Afreen


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