What is beauty?

According to Oxford dictionary: The quality which gives pleasure to senses & attracts emotionally or physically, which I think is known by all. Though,'beauty lies in the eye of the beholder' & thus definition & perception for beauty differs from person to person.
For me, beauty is not in that fair, tall & skinny lady/girl with brown/golden silky hair &ed lips, drenched in the latest trends, fashion & makeup or a man with good body make, ideal height, fair looks, hazle-green eyes, in good attire & whole lot of husky hair supported with gels presenting in different styles. But it lies in simplicity, beautifully covered up in eastern attire or can be in your behold patience to achieve success.  Beautiful is that person who has humanity in the heart. Beautiful is that girl/lady who loves the animals, birds & gifts of nature & that guy who has sympathy warmth tenderness & kindness towards poors needy & old.
Accordingly to me, beauty is something which allure you & make your heart melt-out. It lies in the heart of a person that beats for others, & in the words & works of him/her. Beauty is not a captive of fairs but instead a black (negros) can be much more beautiful than those fairs. Even the face of them can have that beautiful glaze which stays missing in a fair's face sometimes, making it dull.
Beauty is the shyness & innocence of the lady who hides herself in veils or in the low gaze of a man with respect & courtesy when a lady walks in. It lies in the chastity innocence & probity of that little infant who is sinless, or in the tears & cry of a man while praying to his God (to forgive his sins)& remains full devoted to Him.
Beauty lies in everything & everywhere. Its just that we can't observe it. God(Allah SAW) made everyone beautiful & complete.& those who believe that they are not or have some flaws in them, then according to me,"beauty is flawless engraved with some flaws."
It can be incited provoked or developed by keeping your soul pristine & conscience guiltless stainless & honest, as inner beauty matters all & face is just the mirror of heart soul & conscience.
-Fauzia Afreen


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