May be it was my mistake,BUT...

Firstly, saying sorry to someone has became a taboo nowadays. We all have such huge concrete egos & self-esteem that sorry or acceptance (that "yes, I'm wrong")have becoming endangered. Saying sorry for your faults is like summoning up to somebody nowadays. Yet, if by mistake, someone says sorry or apologize, the sentence of apology gets subsidized in a 'murmur' heading up with a big 'BUT' & a great piece of excuse ready with it, making the listener feel either the reason of his mistake was him only or it was not his mistake or may just a circumstances fault.
Maybe, at times description or reason of fault is necessary or can lessen your punishment. It can also be used to understand your situation as well, but every time using it as a weapon is wrong. & Actually, one of the most irritating thing for me. I believe, giving a huge lot of true & false excuses(sometimes lame as well) destroy your personality & character in front of the person whom you are sorry to & never helps you to improve.
"Excuses becomes actual excuse in the path of betterment & improvement" are the great words of my ideal, my papa. According to him, those who give excuses everytime & in every situation, whenever they does mistake,are the one who actually say sorry customarily, maybe in the fear of the person otherside, but actually doesn't believe from inside that its his/her mistake & actually that 'excuse' which he/she provides is the defending statement till breath.
According to me, sorry is the most essential & pious thing which one should only speak when he/she feels the guilt from within. Saying sorry uselessly just for the sake of saying, without accepting the fault is useless & moreover the insult of that pious word. & if at all one apologize for anything, please keep that idiotic excuse a mile away with a feeling that "I will never ever deliberately repeat it again."
-Fauzia Afreen


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