What To Write Next?

"What to write next?"
"Ohh! I'm again deficit of topics."
"What to think of next?"
"Yar! Please someone provide me with some good ones."
Are nowadays,the most common questions or thoughts,
That arise in every few days.
Sometimes, searching or surfing google for it,
Like "Good topics to write on...",
Or 'good philosophical topics for writing...'.
& sometimes irritating & troubling others,
Like papa,grandpa,Rakhshan,friends or even 
From whom, usually answer never arrives.
Except the same patent statement,
'There are many things to write about,world is full of so many things.'
Or at times, some awkward & peculiar topic is what I earn.
Unable of becoming my savior from the most troublesome question,
"What to write next?" .
After thinking constantly for days,
May be hardly one-two topics come in mind.
& investing full thoughts to it,
As I complete it by either posting,
Or may be jotting them down in the pages of my diary.
The other first most obvious thought troubles my mind,
'Is now what next?'
'Now, what to write next?'
Sometimes a sense of jealousy evolves,
Along with sense of despair.
As I see some good writers always filled up with so many topics,
Writing & posting whole day long.
& that too getting more than 100 likes.
& here I'm struggling with a question,
What to write next? .
Please viewers a humble request is in your side,
If you have any topics suggestion,
For this always topic lacking lady.
Then please comment with a few suggestions,
To save me from the most frustrating & futile thought,
What to write next?
-Fauzia Afreen


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