Types Of Readers

Moving into a library,taking out some time & analyzing the variety of readers is what I just love to do.Different people reading differently in their own ways, some even pretending to read something & the others,left remaining, is totally out of box,busy in their own activities & enjoying that pin-drop silence as well as free wifi.
Leaving the last category behind,I just want to sketch some types of readers which till now I'm able to recognize. May be in that list there are maybe more-or-less 7 types & allow me to introduce them to you as well.

In the first category,according to my list, comes the Most Cleanly one.The category,keeps utmost care of their belongings & books & doesn't even letting even a dot or scratch to affect the pages.They take care of those linings that comes when the books are folded,prohibiting oneself to form in their ones.Covering beautifully in those colorful celofine-papers & every now & then cleaning them with cotton wipes as well.This category doesn't believe in sharing books in the same way as nobody wants to share their children with others.

In the next comes,the Scribbling Expert.This category's books bears lots of marks & stains on them as they believe that if they don't mark,nothing will go into their brains.Marking all important lines & lastly analyzing that they already have marked the whole page itself.The most studious ones & believe that use the book as much as possible as they have paid for them. The category in which I belong.

Then in the third category,it comes the Notable Ones.Always keeping a note-pad along with them & continuously keep noting the importants they assume to be while reading.People in this category are crazy lovers of books who goes on the meet along with their friends,note-pad & pen.

Then in the next category,comes the Pretending Queens & Kings.Keeping their selection of books in front of them & tells others to take photos when they pretend to read.Whole time looking on a single word they click 10000s clicks, posting 'busy in my book's world'.They pretend to read books to make people believe them as a good guy or a lady,a studious one,or to impress someone, may be their crush.

The next comes the Picture Lovers. Flipping pages in the lust of pictures in the books & selecting only those which consists the lots of pictures.They are magazines lover actually & doesn't even bother to read a letter written there.
Then arrives the class of Choosy Ones. Choosing books according to their sizes, widths & covers. In the category there can be two types, choosing hefty books for pretending to be a book-lover & a studious person, & even choosing lean & thin books with beautiful covers to portray that "yes! I issue or read books".
& lastly according to me, the Insulters. Keeping those mighty books on their table in front & stay busy in their own world, may be mobile,insulting them brutally. The unfortunate one, doesn't able to achieve good in their lives.
If anyone else know any other categories, please do let me know as well.
-Fauzia Afreen


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