To The Swiftly Passing 2018

The swiftly passing 2018

Today is 21st of december&it's just 10 more days to say goodbye to you.Unlike we humans,you at least knows your end&saying you goodbye is getting really tough for me.You were the one who granted many success&cherished them as well.&you only cleared my many of the doubts in the path of life,introduced many new people&took away some of them from me.Your entrance in my life was quite calm &smooth&honestly,I didn't expected much from you but instead you stayed up there beside me in every problems,tring to minimize or evacuate them from my life.Yup,last year granted me little more opportunities to flourish or showing my talents,but you were no less than it.Showing me new paths to choose&interjected new flavors,emotions&truths of life.You made me little more experienced in the experience of knowing&understanding this peculiar creature called humans,&made me a little more matured &thoughtful.You proposed many paths to explore&also helped me to stick to one&continue exploring more in it.This year I wrote much to explore my own self.To understand self much better.Now,at least I know who I am & what I'm aiming for.I know what I want regardless of life's situations,which I completely know,will not be easy as life is not a bed of roses.
I honestly thank you to make me call a student of 2nd year of Calcutta University,which truly I doubted of at the end&also granting me a little more freedom than before.But unfortunately,the occasions you took the responsiblity of on your shoulders,like 3rd june or 29th july&even some more important days,just went dull or even if described in better words,were dejecting,daunt, dumb & tedious.Also you took away some very important people from me giving me severe shocks.
Else,excluding these,everything was quite ok.I pray the left remaining days,also go well,welcoming the influx of a new year 2019 which is said to be the crucial & important year politically as well as individual basis.May the upcoming year arrives along with real happiness, love,success&victory for me as well as all.Ameen
Yours a little fan, grateful to you.
-Fauzia Afreen 


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