These Little Angels

Though, I've seen many blind people,
& heard of their great intelligence power.
But today visiting' রোজগার মেলা ',

Arranged in college square,
Forced me to write something on them.
Yes, there were many stalls made by different other clubs & NGOs,
But amongst them,
One of the best stalls were of an NGO supporting blind children,
Situated may be near Behala.
The stalls were beautifully decorated with,
Handmade vase, showpieces, bags, earrings, embroideries etc.
& when I asked 'who made them all?",
The answer was, those angels.
Not only those stuffs made by them,
They took part in dance & other activities there.
& did really very well,
Unlike making us feel that they lack something very important.
Though looking those little angels,
& even those elders as well.
A pitty feeling inculcate automatically,
That those poor souls have never bear the colors of this world.
Accompanied with some questions,
That how uneasy & incomplete they feels,
When everyone can see & visualize things they read or listen.
But how they understand things,
As they are unable to do so.
While looking them on streets,
Crossing the roads.
Or doing the jobs difficultly,
What a normal people easily does it.
A sense of sympathy rises,
Along with a common exclaimation,
"How much difficult is the life led by them.!".
To lessen up that sympathetic feeling,
We add, "God if snatches away a sensory organ from them,
He grants them extra intelligence to replace."
& moreover, they stay away from all the evils & misdeeds,
Unlike a person with the gift of an eye can perform.
But is that really enough to justify their lackness?
& is those words enough to take off our hands from the matter.
I don't know much about the medical terms & surgeries,
But if its possible then,
Can't we donate our eyes to these poor souls,
To lit up their life also with all the mesmerizing colors of the world.
To help them a bit to live a normal life.
Inspite of just donating fake concerns,
& fake words of sympathy for them.
As nobody needs those!
-Fauzia Afreen


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