Absent- Minded Days

The days surely visits your side,
Once in an year while.
When your heart remains filled with,
Fusion of different emotions.
Leaving your brain way behind,
& so do your capability of grasping.
The time of the year,
When deep thoughts & worries surround you.
When bodily you are in front of many,
But unable to recognize any.
When it seems you are listening & paying attention to your viewers,
But actually you are in you own world,
Faded in your concerns & belief.
The time of the year,
When people usually complains more oftenly.
"You have seen me, but ignored.Why?",
"Yes we have met in early today,don't you remember?".
"Why are you looking so pale & blank?",
"& why are you staring like this?".
Now, who will make them understand,
I haven't ignored, & seriously don't remember of the meet,
I'm not blank & pale & nor staring at you.
It seems to you because,
It's my absent-minded days.
The time of the year,
When, for a moment you are here,
& in just another, your thoughts become your wings.
When in a short time you have lived the whole story of your thoughts,
But as you return back,
The same boring ambience persists.
When suddenly your smile gets uncontrollable,
& even you can't restrain your rolling tears,
In spite of nothing happening such in the present situation.
I'm sorry! But I really don't know the reason of this,
I'm sorry! But I even don't know, is this natural?
But it May be occurred
Many things happened in a sudden while.
& brain is still taking time to adjust.
Or may be,
Because of your honest commitments with the goals to be achieved.
Whatever be the case,
Dreams are much better than reality.
-Fauzia Afreen


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