Will human as species go extinct?

Well!The topic is quite alarming & fear-provoking but at the end of the day an unchangeable absolute truth where we are slowly heading to,as well as thought-provoking.Human extinction is the hypothetical end of human species that may cause because of the environment or may be by the result of human action.Honestly analysing,we are really in the process of destruction in both the manner.& the irony is,we know it but are not likely to act accordingly for the betterment.
Since childhood,we are continuously grown up reading to save trees,stop pollution(i.e of air,water,noise,soil etc),grow plants,protect nature,but was sadly limited to brochure only.The real or practical life is totally contradictory,just bragging & addressing hefty dialogues but on the other hand sponsering huge amounts to the centres creating destruction to atmosphere,for the sake of money & power.Risking the life of all(present & future generations) heartlessly.
The adaptation of new hi-teck lifestyle,i.e usage of gadgets,electronic products etc causes immense CFC emulsion & radiation harming the natural surrounding.Usage of automobiles,creating pollution through other ways are pulverising the atmosphere which is evidently visible in the intensity of seasons,extremity of sunrays,sudden intensic change like flood drought etc at places,increasing level of water by melting of ice-burgs etc.
Above was related to nature,though still result of the human's act but now,I would like to point out the direct affect cause by human in human extinction.Some are,the scientific inventions such as atomic war,nuclear war,cloning,data war & now the inventions & discoveries of newly deadly viruses of which a pinch can damage the whole population of the area through deadly diseases & eventually kill them& that too daily new inventions regarding destruction continues which gets tested on either animals or those black people.
Sometimes,it makes me think that in this humanly war of knowledge discoveries & inventions the one who gets affected are those poor innocent animal,suffering pain because of this self-centered,lusty,wretched body named humans.
At last,if this continues,human will be extinct soon.
-Fauzia Afreen


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