Is poverty in society inevitable?

Poverty always remained a part of society from the day society formed.The classes were divided into two i.e Rich&Poor but gradually the discrimination grew vastly incomparable.
When economic globalization entered the world&made world a smaller place & at the same time executed things easier by encouraging free-trade,financial liberalisation,deregulation&privatization policy that at the end concentrated the wealth at the top&marginalise the poor.Economic globalisation increased inequality&poverty as globalisation has weakened the position of poor countries & exposed poor people to harmful competitions.Moreover,adding salt to the burn,corruption regimes also contributed to the poverty in a country.Corrupt government&corrupted system from the low level to huge bigger levels made whole  country caverned,making huge incomparable discrimination between the two sections of society,making poor to poorer&rich to richer.In the situation, extreme bad weather conditions too has a hand partly.Extreme weather conditions like draught&flood causes great damage to the economic condition of the country,dragging poor to extreme poverty,&loosening all source of livelihood&total damage to the property they own.
According to me,to fight with this extreme demarcation of society,country should promote education.People because of it will able to understand the situation of surrounding&thus will able to eradicate the problem efficiently.It will also promote jobs&other ways of good earning,making the country developed&at the same time making poverty evitable in society.International aids,donor support,nutritious foods,agricultural inputs,basic infrastructure,safe drinking water&healthcare are some ways too to fight with it,effectively. Moreover,firstly,we need to treat poor like humans&not like demographic.We need to stop the discriminations.
Though the class was made since the society formed,still there are eras of Chandra gupta1,Sher Shah,Akbar where though rich&poor both was present but the gap was not grave.Everyone was economic stable.Lastly,would like to request,if elite contributes a small%of their possession to poors,then poverty could be eradicate from the world.
-Fauzia Afreen


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