Role of media nowadays

Media always played a vital role in our daily life routine since it was formed through its different versions,i.e print media,television/news media,social media etc.It's other name is sward arm of democracy&always acted as a watchdog of what goes around.It always acted as a mode or carrier of informations to the common people&at the same time had a great role to play against injustice,oppression,misdeeds&partiality.
Media has a great part in effecting  lifestyle&culture of the society as well as creating&shaping up the public opinions which at times strengthened the society as well as weakens up it through polarisation.
Nowadays,media has turned from mere speaker or interpreter of news,to the power of making opinions in public,taking decisions&behaving like court's judge(announcing&propagating about  anyone's wrong deed without any trial or investigations e.g in #metoo campaign), replacing the police duties but itself doing sting operations,spicing up the matter&doing wrong propaganda through bias comments clearly indicating the inclination towards some specific power.
Media at times,visibly acts like favouring one group or community or section of society which may soothe but actually applies the tactics of influencing people towards polarisation.Its constant advertising of certain crimes like rape or lynching influenced adversely by rising the crime rate of society.The greatest irony which one faces,is the publicising of some news to only some channels or newspapers&restraining them from others,which clearly proves of their being sold-out&corrupt.Other than news & current affairs,media also takes part in effective promotion of objects stories products in different manners,creating a sense of inferiority complex in many common hearts.
During the period of elections,or may be from an year before,media's strong propagation of certain parties directly or indirectly through poll ratings are common.
Though media was not just a part of today's world but existed from the vedic & upanishad times of the king Ashoka&Chandragupta.It also played very effective role in the freedom fight tenure.But in today's world it changed adversely which shouldnt .
-Fauzia Afreen


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