The old paths, I cross

The old paths, I cross,
Seems to be sometimes my closest friend.
Sharing with me,
Memories, happiness, naughtyness,
& craziness performed in troops.
The familiar paths, I cross,
Are really dear to me.
Having my blind trust,
Soothing me, comforting me,
Letting me know, where my next steps are.
Doing all favours, which new path can't.
The old paths, I cross,
Knows me well.
Very concerned about my needs,
Directing me to the correct corner.
Ending up simplifying & sorting my life.
The familiar paths, I cross,
Bears my all complains of decrepit structure.
Letting me compare the innovations done, from before.
& sometimes surprising me with similar faces.
Whom I met days before.
The old paths, I cross,
Sometimes leads to unknown destiny,
Surprises me with new & variety.
Excites me, when conjugates with new.
Adding thrill & charm to the journey.
The familiar paths, I cross,
Always remains a mystery to me.
Since childhood till yet,
Confusing me, hustling me to the thoughts.
That 'Where Does It Ends?'.
The old paths, I cross,
Knows my secrets.
Secrets of choices, secrets of conversations.
Secrets of daily actions, secrets of sudden fear.
Secrets of some unerring steps while music is on.
The familiar paths, I cross,
Although are near & dear.
But sometimes acts like hurdle,
In the way of Exploring.
Attracting me, tantalizing me.
Doesn't letting me go.
-Fauzia Afreen


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