
A museum of books,
Inheriting books of all categories.
Wonderland of exploration thoughts & discoveries,
Where knowledge collaborates with pin-drop silence.

In the city of rush & chaos,
Its a land protecting peace.
Inculcating urge for gulping all the books,
Presently situating in your favourite section.
Area granting exposure to all,
For swalloing your favourites & needs under a roof.

A boundary depicting complete sketch,
Of people busy in their own.
Staring just on their selection,flipping pages,
without caring of anyone present.
Fading in the world of fantasy,classics, history & knowledge.

In the crowd of unknown faces,
Some categorised into'desperate reader',
Focusing just on the book material.
Some as'staring masters',
Gazing the surrounding after every 2 min of read.
Some as'sleepy bumps',
Yawning,falling asleep,
& lately disturbed by guard roaming around.
Some as'chatter-box',
Continuously uttering & piercing silence,
Breaking the norms of library.

The demarcation of experienced & freshers,
Is depicted by attire & belongings.
New ones carrying along whole lot,
Water-bottle,pouch,2-3 notepads,1-2 books..
Tumbling down to table like a clown,
Creating an act of humour.
Whereas,experienced stays simple,
Carrying water-bottle,a note-pad & a pen.

Something more that demarcate them,
Is selection of book.
Experienced reader selects the one,
That solve their needs,
Without noticing its size cover & weight but wealth.

But new readers arriving for wandering purpose,
Categorised into different sections.
First one as'show-off creeps',
Choosing lumpy books for selfies,
& end up not reading a page.
Second one as'picture lovers',
Fliping pages & focusing just on photos.
Third as'lean lazy timepass reader',
Attacking on lean-figured books,
Opening a single page & continuously occupied in mobiles.
& last are'greedy lumps',
Picking up as many as can but endup in one page.

The most irritating act faced in library can be,
Those creeps entering hall with knock knock heel sound,
Piercing silence,disturbing readers,
& becoming centre of attraction.
& those cheaps,
Tearing pages from books & theafting it.
-Fauzia Afreen


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