A letter to animal teasers

I really every time end up getting more puzzled that what makes u tease the poor being i.e concerned with itself?Is this your fear leading you,doing this or your sense of superiority amongst all others?Throwing stones at dogs,beating & kicking cats,starving cattle to death, accommodating 40 in place of 4 for transportation,disturbing natural habitat of wild animals in the forest etc are some examples that is not practiced just today but from the centuries before.Though the methods changed but human instinct didn't.Earlier killing of lion & tiger was executed for royalty,now caging them,disturbing them from natural livings.
History speaks about the sufferings of animals for the entertainment of humans.Somewhere in the form of circus or somewhere as BBQs.Somewhere as transportation & smooth speedy ride or somewhere as the luxury of leather products.
The thing which doesn't gets to my mind that what does really makes us,humans,the most superior?Sense?No!Every creature has sense & probably animals have higher sensing quality.Then Brain?Am!No,all creature has brain,though some less some more.But according to me what discriminates us from others is Rationalism,Thoughts & the basic Humanity.But,I believe,this time also I'm wrong. Because we can't rationalise their innocence,dependability,intelligence,emotions,feeble-nature & at the same time their routined attitude,caring,friendliness, loyalty,persistence & the biggest is their non-judgemental attitude.We can't show humanity to those poor souls by feeding them,caring for them,loving them,spending time with them.
Hurting animals is just proportional to hurting a child.Don't we feel pitty for them while they suffers & joyous while they enjoys?If you don't then honestly we are no humans.I,except they sometimes makes mistakes that cause loss but so we alose do mistakes.Imagine if someone acts furiously with us exactly same.
Animals are not punching bags but a reason of happiness,earning righteousness & pleasing Allah too.They are lives too & experience both pain & happiness.Please take care of them but not tease them.Protecting one is correct but teasing uselessly is unacceptable.
-Fauzia Afreen


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