Suffering Souls in the Scientific Age

Science played a vital role in our lives both in good & bad aspects.Yes! I agree,everything has pros & cons and so do it.It,where paved way for new opportunities,simplifying our lives,in other hand snatched our privacy & gave birth to many severe complications as well.
It is a well-known fact that atom was discovered for electricity but also exploited in the destruction of nations in the form of bombs,destroying millions of lives in a go.In the same way nuclear bombs & missiles were invented for extinction of whole mass,ruining everything.
As the technologies got advanced so do the crime's characteristic apparently.Manual crime, cyber-crime, asserting virus in system for hacking or file corruption, manupulating data usage of users from server,interfering in privacy of individual as well as mass politically through hacking, etc rose in its peak as opening of every source of information & knowledge was publicized without any restrictions.Fake news & scandals became very-common boosting crime-rate, taking away lives of innocents.
This scientific era didn't stopped here executing disaster,but continued manipulating other regions too.The high usage of technologies & equipments resulted global-warming leading to the birth of unknown dangerous viruses causing peculiar diseases resulting loss of many lives.The full-time devotion of youth into gadgets & technologies end-up making them the victim of depression desperation anxiety mood-swings giving rise to intolerance in the society.
Where scientific era introduced new paths of success & advancement,at the same time increased the competition level & scarcity of jobs,2000 candidate fighting for 30 seats as manual-power got replaced by machine-power.
Till here it was just about some incidents began in the history but what the world is heading towards is 'data-war',once again the gift of this scientific-era & an other name of cold-war where the one with greater amount of data is the most mighty,manipulating & misusing for the carnage of whole mass/ nation/ community,invading into anyone's privacy without any restrictions.
-Fauzia Afreen


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