Love & Revolution

The two words seems to be vastly  antithetical & divergent in connotation but believe me, down the lane at some point of time, has some stretch of association between.
Extreme Love (exceptionally today's perception) has a devine defination of selflessness & a feeling of sacrificing anything & everything for the wills of the beloved( a person, nation, religion, group or anything you love). But revolution's meaning is sudden but complete change violently.According to me, Revolution is just incomplete without the essence of Love. Wait! I'm not uttering non-sense, but will surely give valid reason for my opinion.
A couple fighting from their families, struggling hard because of reason may be diff. religion or caste etc. Sometimes gets badly injured but doesn't give-up & lastly achieves togetherness by hook or by crook, changing their world & future. People loving their country suffering from slavery, fought hard selflessly, lost lives, went jail, spilled out their blood but remained focused & didn't gave up, that resulted freedom to the state. The men(initiator of any religion)stood alone against the evils & barbarity of society philosophically. They were defamed, cruelty occurred against them when they shared the idea of their beloved religion, bear all hatred & gave their life in the propagation of the religion but remained concentrated to their belief & the religions flourished & are still followed courteously. People fighting for the rights of the group/caste/race, against the injustice occurring to them, revolts, sacrifices lives, looses property, faced tremendous trouble but kept on fighting without losing hope & staying united, finally achieve their demand/ goal. French Revolution etc had the motto of love for freedom in the hearts of the common-man. These are some of the examples where revolution though occurred but because of extreme love persisting there in the hearts of people for something or the other.
Yup, I accept love always doesn't need revolution but revolution always has one aspect of love in itself. If love doesn't exist then revolution will never ever take place.
-Fauzia Afreen


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