Such Barbariios Crimes That Makes Even Animality Shiver

Although the crime took birth with the set-up of humanity on earth, with the gradual change in time,its stories diversities & statistics expanded. With the transformation of the era, variant sufferings were alloted which were earlier obeyed by all(rich & poor) but now, confined to empty-hands. While the contrariety of the two epoch, earlier accuse use to be condemned & rejected but now are welcomed. Thus boosting crime like forest-fire. Previously,reasons were poverty, parental negligence, drugs/alcohol, property & power but with the change of span,religion & caste were also added.
Usman Ansari(Jharkand), Md. Akhlaq(Dadri),Junaid(New Delhi), Mazlum Ansari & Imteyaz Khan(Jharkand) & Nasir Haque(UP) were brutally murdered in case of cow vigilantism.Affarajul Khan(Sheikhpara),muslim labourers(Rajasthan) were slaughtered in the case of 'Love- jihad'.An eight-year old Asifa Bano(Kathua, J&K) was kidnapped for 7 days,raped multiple times & murdered in a temple just bcoz she was a muslim.Farooq Dar,common-voter was used as a 'human shield' by Major Gogoi from stone pelting.
Not only with Muslims, atrocities occured with lower race of the same religion, the Dalits. Their children are made to sit seperately in school,Prohibited to enter police-station,ban of water in their village, public health workers don't visit their home. Incidents like crushing 3 dalits under tracker for old land dispute in Rajasthan(16th May,2015),students thrashed by teacher (Jodhpur)for touching the plates of mid-day meal(4oct,2015),Dalit's house was burnt which caused 2 children's death (Haryana), etc.According to NCRB,top states in terms of atrocity cases with SC are UP(10,426),Bih(5701),Rajas(5134), MP(4922),Mah(1750),Guj(1322).
Such hatred,Such awful nasty discriminations!We all are humans,citizens of same country,have a heart with bleeds in pain & beats in happiness then why such inhumanitarian deeds?Why can't we be as a single unit,just an Indian?Why the war of identity is ruining a thousand lifes?Why we lose our minds & act as a puppet of some brain-washers?Cant we act as one in development & prosperity of our India? Believe or not,one face insuperable difficulties if an organ gets missing.
-Fauzia Afreen


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