No!! You Cant't

Shame on you, impudent immodest & shameless society, for making her liberty immunity & facility a dining-table debate.
Shame on you for creating & promoting discrimination by saying 'they cant be equal ever as God Himself made them unequal'.
Shame on you for setting meaningless standards on every aspect regarding her. #clothing#ni8outs #excursion #eating #drinking
Shame on you for words like 'she is raped because of her clothes' but when asked that why a 6 month child or a girl in hijab or proper Indian-dress is raped then becoming speechless. 
Shame on you for not teaching him to behave but dominating her in every aspect.
Shame on you for categorising jobs according to time schedule.
Shame on you ,pitiful society, for transforming an equal society into a male-dominating one.
& Really Shame on you, pathetic wretched & hopeless society ,for assuming her weak, lesser, timid, delicate & fragile in spite of suffering tremendous pain (which he cant even imagine) & still depriving her with 'No!! You cant... '
- Fauzia Afreen


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