A sincere desire to be an animal

Ohh! Come on, who says that,
An animal is declasse, paltry & subjacent,
A ferocious brutal beastly creature,
Or a fleshy uncivilized mass.
Just think once again,
They are the ones much more punctual & routined,
Without having a so called object named clock.
They are ones with no greed,
& just hunt according to their needs.
They are the ones with no envy,
& heart bleeds when their fellow are in misery.
The ones more civilised & cultured,
Despite of no schooling like human-child.
An emotional & caring lot,
With lots of respect & no self exploitation.

The one with compassion patience & responsibility,
Who lives life fullest & focuses on today.
They set examples for us & teaches lessons.
Lion by its ways teaches,
Work hard & stay humble.
Crocodiles advices trusting your instincts & act accordingly.
Strong & elegant yet graceful, an elephant exhibits.
Dolphins preach, talk less listen more.
Ants illustrate unity & save for a rainy-day.
Camels depicts how to survive in difficulties.
Donkeys teaches to stay calm in toughest situation & deal with it.
& Never announce your moves before making them,
Is an advice of tiger.

An adorable creature,
Which practices forgiveness.
An extremely simple being,
Which finds happiness in small.
The innocent mass,
Spreading unconditional love.
A pure & sinless soul,
Making world place to survive.
& a reason of mercy by God,
After all atrocities created by so called civilised beast.
From the very start they respected nature's law,
& in contradiction we find ways for its distortion.
I, hence believe,
Animals are much better than us,
& naming eachother 'animals' in mockery,
& using badger, donkey, bitch, dog, catty, monkey, hippopotamus, snake, owl, pig, bat & many more as slang,
Should be replaced with,
"Ohh look! He is such a vicious' human'.
-Fauzia Afreen


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