My lost jewel

Oh!I still remember the day(actually evening)i found u in front of a kabab stall while returning home after physics tuition.A small little poor soul sitting near the garbage-box,waiting for something left by customers,to eat.The innocent face inculcated pitty feeling inside,of not leaving u there.
The first night,I still remember,u were so restive,screaming in the new environment.Mom provided u with food(that was little milk)which u ate up in no time but still your screams didn't stoped.Yeah!I know,it took a little time for u to adjust with the environment & that was approx 4-5 days. U were though not the only kitten in home & browny was also there with 3 cats from the neighbourhood.Earlier they attacked u but later u all got accustomed with each other.
I must say u were really an irritating soul for me in this 1&1/2 yr or 2 in the matter of food.The way u behaved(jumping & howling)(screaming 'meaw''meaw' in louder aggressive impatient tone)while my meal time,was really disgusting & anger-provoking.Though it ended up getting me a habit of it. Ur straight-tail postur & warm body touch signified the love & warmth.Sitting on my lap and pressing my fingers through ur teeth gently was really became a part of my life(from which in beginning i got afraid of).I seriously hated your & browny's habit of doing loo everywhere in room especially in a rainy day & winters which make mom also aggressive.
Ur each & every actions from the very first day is still remembered by me & that is what tearing me apart,now,after u have left me, & now its 5th day.Where have u gone whitu?Plz come back.I & browny are really missing u very badly.He is not eating his meals properly & my yesterday's exam didn't went well.I can't concentrate & usually spent time in'chota chat'where u have been seen last by chachu.A repentance is choking me every second that why i let u go there in that evening?After lifting u up in my arms for sometime & walking,it seemed u were little restless so putted u back.While seeing ur journey towards there i called & u turned to me but didn't came.I left you feeling u'll return but still u didn't.Plz come back,PLEASE
I ❤u
-Fauzia Afreen


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